
RSO Support

Ensures that registered student organizations have access to all resources provided by the ASUC.

Chloe Choi (Intern), Hailey Jung (Intern), Matt Blake (Associate)

Established to ensure UCB students and their respective registered student organizations have access to all resources provided by the ASUC, ranging from spaces to funding. This department promotes communication and transparency among the hundreds of RSOs at our university, specifically liaising with organizations that are not already in direct contact with other elected officials of the ASUC. Members of this department work closely with ASUC Senators to ensure their communities and RSOs are able to receive information pertaining to their needs.

400+ Sponsored RSO's

Info on Benefits of Sponsorship:

To apply for ASUC Sponsorship and/or funding, fill out the form on the ASUC Senate’s CalLink page. Form is only available during the fall and spring semesters when the Senate is in session.

Click me to apply!